Our procedures

Head and Neck Surgery

When it comes to plastic surgery for the head and neck, commonly, patients come in for the treatment of skin cancer lesions or moles.

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in Australia and its occurrence is increasing daily. Skin cancer is the uncontrollable growth of neoplastic cells. Dr Pham and his excellent team at the Perth Cosmetic Surgery will be able to diagnose and treat both non-invasive and invasive types of cancers. Dr Pham is also the current president of the World International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Society.

Having a mole, naevi or benign lesion is common. The main reasons for removal are if the mole is unsightly or there are many if it’s getting bigger, if it looks suspicious or atypical, if the patient has a previous history of melanoma, or if it begins to bleed.

Contact Perth Cosmetic Surgery today to find out more about our state-of-the-art centre and treatments.

Cosmetic surgery options for head and neck

Skin cancer clinic Perth

Skin cancer treatment can be administered through a range of non-surgical or surgical treatments. Non-surgical treatments include:

• Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen)
• Curettage with diathermy
• Laser ablation
• Radiotherapy
• Chemotherapy – topical cream
• Photodynamic therapy

Surgical treatment is most commonly used by surgeons for cancers that are particularly invasive in nature. There are a few surgery options depending on the type of cancer which include:

• Excision
• Skin graft
• Skin flap
• Free flap


Surgical mole removal Perth

As with cancers, the surgical removal of a mole is possible. A treatment protocol will be decided based on the type of mole or lesion, size, site, depth and patient skin characteristic. Options for surgical mole removal include:

• Excision
• Serial excision
• Skin flap
• Skin graft

At Perth Cosmetic Surgery, we offer a range of neck surgery which is cosmetics that will improve facial appearance and ultimately enhance your quality of life.

Contact Perth Cosmetic Surgery today, and begin the journey to a new you.


Head and Neck Surgery

Mole Removal Perth

Mole or naevi or benign lesions are common. They can be from birth or occur with age. They are benign but in rare cases of pigmented naevi or atypical naevi there is a very small risk of...

Skin Cancer of Head or Neck

Skin cancer is the most common type of tumour in Australia and it is increasing in incidence. Skin cancer is the uncontrollable growth of neoplastic cells and in some cases, if not treated, will...

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